๐Ÿ’Ž Interesting reframing of how much Spotify pay musicians

If we take the UKโ€™s most listened-to radio show- BBC Radio 2โ€™s Breakfast Show โ€“ then the songwriter can expect the Performing Right Society for Music expect Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) to collect roughly ยฃ60. Stare at a royalty statement which lists ยฃ150 for a spin alongside ยฃ0.005 for a stream and you can understand the fear of letting go of the old wine.

But the economics don’t support that fear. A ‘spin’ on BBC Radio 2’s Breakfast Show will reach 8 million people; you need therefore to divide the ยฃ150 by the 8 million pairs of ears to get a comparative unit value per listener, and this results in ยฃ0.00002 – which is less than half a percent of the ยฃ 0.005 that you would get from one unique person on a streaming service. What’s more, this is not an either/or comparison as those who listen to it on the radio may be more inclined to stream it on Spotify. To bring this calculation full circle, had those 8 million listeners streamed the song on Spotify (which is not beyond the realms of possibility), a cheque of ยฃ40,000 would be paid across to the artist and songwriter – not ยฃ150.ย  ‘Not too shabby’ as some Americans like to say.

Excerpt from: Tarzan Economics: Eight Principles for Pivoting through Disruption by Will Page

๐Ÿ’Ž On the danger of priming in surveys (beware inflated responses)

The responses to questions can also be influenced by what has been asked beforehand, a process known as priming. Official surveys of wellbeing estimate that around 10% of young people in the UK consider themselves lonely, but an online questionnaire by the BBC found the far higher proportion of 42% among those choosing to answer. This figure may have been inflated by two factors: the self-reported nature of the voluntary ‘survey’, and the fact that the question about loneliness had been preceded by a long series of enquires as to whether the respondent in general felt a lack of companionship, isolated, left out, and so on, all of which might have primed them to give a positive response to the crucial question of feeling lonely.

Excerpt from: The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data by David Spiegelhalter